About the NTCoE
NMCG-TERI Centre of Excellence on Water Reuse (NTCoE) in TERI has been established by the National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG), Department of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation, Ministry of Jal Shakti, Govt. of India. This CoE is the first of its kind in the Country that will match the activities envisaged under the Ganga Knowledge Centre (GKC) of the ‘Namami Gange Program’.
It is primarily a technology forum, which aims to bring various stakeholders to a common platform to design and foster research and innovation, including the identification of knowledge gaps for research and the need for new ideas, supporting targeted research, and spurring and nurturing needed innovation for low-cost, effective and integrated wastewater treatment technologies, which could bridge the current treatment gaps, boost treatment efficiency, augment capacities and provide safe treated water for reuse. Also, it aims to raise training standards, address skill gaps and align training & research with industry needs.
Participation of various stakeholders under different categories is welcome! Let us all work towards a water-secure India and the World!
Contributions in National Missions
National Mission for Clean Ganga
Developing integrated technological solutions to achieve “Nirmal Dhara” (Unpolluted Flow) objective through point source pollution abatement strategies.
Swachh Bharat Mission-Urban 2.0
To work on water reuse policies with States. Organize training and capacity building programs for ULBs on solid and liquid waste management.
Atal Mission For Rejuvenation And Urban Transformation
To contribute in Technology Sub-Mission to encourage newer technology options to augment capacities and enhance recycle/ reuse of treated water.
Smart City Missions
Encourage decentralized wastewater treatment and reuse using micro-STPs across Construction and Housing sectors.
Water Vision @ 2047
Industries to be encouraged to adopt integrated, sustainable and affordable technological solutions to achieve Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD).
ARTH Ganga
To encourage Circular Economy through reuse of sludge and wastewater for irrigation, industries and work with ULBs to explore revenue generation.
Self Reliant India
To encourage ‘Make In India’ technologies for achieving Water Security and UN SDG 6.
Key Messages from Steering Committee

Mr Rajeev Kumar Mittal (I.A.S.)
DG, NMCG[Chairman - Steering Committee]
NMCG is committed to support ‘Made in India’ technologies like tadox® for wastewater treatment, our vision is to make “Atmanirbhar Bharat” and to meet the objectives of ‘Nirmal Dhara’ of the Nmami Gange Programme

Dr Vibha Dhawan
DG, TERI[Vice-Chairman - Steering Committee]
TERI has been actively working in this domain and is committed to provide all possible support to members and realize the vision & mission of this Centre of Excellence on water reuse

Mr Praveen Gupta
Member (Thermal) Central Electricity Authority (CEA)[Member - Steering Committee]
TERI has been actively working in this domain and is committed to provide all possible support to members and realize the vision & mission of this Centre of Excellence on water reuse

Mr Yugal Joshi
Programme Director, Water & Sanitation, NITI Aayog, GoI[Member - Steering Committee]
Technology such as TADOX is a breakthrough. NMCG-TERI Centre of Excellence may continue to develop such technologies in the future as well.

Dr. V.K. Chaurasia
Adviser In-charge (PHEE), MoHUA, GoI[Member - Steering Committee]
Setting up of a dedicated Centre of Excellence to promote circularity in wastewater is a timely action taken by Namami Gange and TERI by NMCG.

Mr Anup Kumar Srivastava
ED (Technical), NMCG[Member - Steering Committee]
This CoE will foster
partnerships between
stakeholders involved in the
sector, in order to effectively
address the issue of
wastewater and encourage
its reuse.

Dr Nupur Bahadur
Associate Director, TERI[Member Secretary - Steering Committee]
This CoE on water reuse is an earnest effort for all stakeholders to come together, share ideas and implement solutions and contribute in Nation Building and achieve UN SDG 6 goals