Membership Engagement

Government Sector and our Knowledge Partners have been exempted from Membership Fees


  • Organization's logo on NTCoE website, events, newsletters etc. for better brand outreach

  • Subscription to NTCoE Newsletter

  • Access to publication & reports from CoE

  • Institutional support to consultants/retired professionals in their projects.


Benefits ++
  • Membership in the Steering Committee of the NTCOE.

  • Membership in the Executive cum Technical Committee of the NTCOE.

  • Membership in Research & Advisory Committees of the NTCOE.

  • Complimentary Participation & Speaking opportunities for the top management in the events like the Seminars/ Webinars, Training Programs, Conferences, and Meetings of the CoE.

  • Complimentary invitation for the top management in TERI’s annual flagship programs like the World Sustainable Development Summit (WSDS).
For more information on membership engagement and fee structure, please contact us.