Government Sector and our Knowledge Partners have been exempted from Membership Fees
Organization's logo on NTCoE website, events, newsletters etc. for better brand outreach
Subscription to NTCoE Newsletter
Access to publication & reports from CoE
Institutional support to consultants/retired professionals in their projects.
Benefits +
Member’s Directory (both online & hard bound) displaying products, services & catalogue to generate business leads.
Platform to interact with other Members, Institutions, Government & International Organizations for exploring collaborations.
Participation as Experts/ Consultants in CoE projects
Suitable opportunities for Industrial & Site visits, paid Internships/ Dissertations/ Joint Ph. D. to research scholars of members of R&D Organizations and Universities.
Benefits ++
Membership in the Steering Committee of the NTCOE.
Membership in the Executive cum Technical Committee of the NTCOE.
Membership in Research & Advisory Committees of the NTCOE.
Complimentary Participation & Speaking opportunities for the top management in the events like the Seminars/ Webinars, Training Programs, Conferences, and Meetings of the CoE.
Complimentary invitation for the top management in TERI’s annual flagship programs like the World Sustainable Development Summit (WSDS).
For more information on membership engagement and fee structure, please contact us.