NMCG-TERI Centre of Excellence on Water Reuse (NTCoE) envisions to become a Globally recognized Centre in Technology domain for wastewater treatment, water reuse and circular economy. It aims to achieve various UN SDG Goals and contribute in Nation building through flagship programs of the Government of India like the ‘Namami Gange’, ‘Swatch Bharat Mission’, ‘Smart City Mission’, Water Vision@2047, ‘Make in India’, ‘Self-Reliant India’ and others.


The Mission of the Centre is to provide the key interface between all stakeholders like the policy makers, regulatory authorities, funding & financial Institutions, Philanthropic Organizations, Investors, R&D, academia, knowledge partners, organizations engaged in training and capacity building, Consultants & Consultancy firms, Companies dealing in wastewater treatment and water reuse business, Urban Local Bodies (ULBs), Municipal Corporations/ Jal Boards and various Governments and Ministries involved in water, sanitation, urban infrastructure, Smart Cities, wastewater treatment, water reuse and circular economy.


To assist the Water and Wastewater Treatment Industry with newer technology options and suggest innovative & integrated approaches for Wastewater Treatment, Management & Reuse.

To assist policy makers in framing, revising and implementing Water Reuse Policies and Guidelines from time-to-time and help various stakeholders learn from each other, the good practices followed within the Country and amongst International communities.

To make the Centre self-sustainable by providing technical, advisory, policy, advocacy, consultancy, outreach, awareness, training and capacity building services, treatment & testing facilities to relevant stakeholders including the Central and State Governments, Ministries and ULBs in the areas of wastewater treatment, water reuse & circular economy.

To establish partnerships with International and National Technical Institutions, Utilities, NGOs, Think Tanks, Funding Agencies, and Technical Consultants for developing a consortium of leading experts on Water and Wastewater Treatment, Management and Reuse.

To promote R&D including Ph.D. Programs in the area of Wastewater Treatment and Reuse for which various Universities, Knowledge partners, Consultants etc. are invited to be members & partners in the COE.

To catalyze the change by facilitating and handholding towards the scaleup of technologies, transfer of license agreements and assist in overcoming the challenges and bottlenecks faced by technology providers and early technology adopters.